
“A beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.”

Fundamental Principles

Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest secular fraternal societies. Freemasonry instills in its members a moral and ethical approach to life: it seeks to reinforce thoughtfulness for others, kindness in the community, honesty in business, courtesy in society and fairness in all things. Members are urged to regard the interests of the family as paramount but, importantly, Freemasonry also teaches and practices concern for people, care for the less fortunate and help for those in need. In essence it is a beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.

For many years Freemasons have followed three great principles and believe that these principles represent a way of achieving higher standards in life. They are:

  • Brotherly Love – Every true Freemason will show tolerance and respect for the opinions of others and behave with kindness and understanding to his fellow creatures.

  • Relief – Freemasons are taught to practice charity and to care – not only for their own – but also for the community as a whole, both by charitable giving and by voluntary efforts and works as individuals.

  • Truth – Freemasons strive for truth, requiring high moral standards and aiming to achieve them in their own lives

Cardinal Virtues

The four cardinal virtues explained in the Entered Apprentice Degree of Freemasonry are Fortitude, by which we are taught to resist temptation; Prudence, by which we are instructed to regulate our conduct by the dictates of reason; Temperance, by which we learn to govern the passions; Justice, which constitutes the cement of civil society.